hello! thanks again!
1/ right! agree. and i deal with that aspect in part one/
2/ right! agree. Cindy is good friend of mine https://blog.ted.com/cindy_gallop_ma/
it only functions as education atm because of the complete absence of sexual education about pleasure and respect in american schools, which is evident in so many ways in USA culture.
and at least some parts of the industry are trying to help https://www.engadget.com/2017/02/02/pornhub-just-launched-a-sex-ed-portal-for-its-users/
but it’s not supposed to be education = again, it’s filling in a puritanical lack of such in schools and culture.
but, as entertainment, for singles and couples, in moderation, there’s no evidence I’ve seen that it’s harmful, and the report I pointed to made that clear: moderate consumption has some benefits.
nothing wrong with cartoons in moderations, see my educational pyramid SFW ;)